Friday, March 13, 2009

Vain transcendence: Fashion Delirium

Transcendent Delirium

Don Slater states in his book Consumer Culture and Modernity (1997) : The notion of "consumer culture" implies that, in the modern world, core social practices and cultural values, ideas, aspirations and identities are defined and oriented in relation to consumption rather than other social dimension such as work, or ..., religion... " implying we have turned into an utilitarian individualized communities devoted and driven by self-interests and material pursuits as Nabil Echchaibi suggests.

The concept of Transcendent Delirium addresses the need and respective consecutive action that some of us experience when it comes to fashion. It is not about shopping, but rather "craving" fashion pieces that to our understanding would complement us by providing a sense of empowerment. It might be an illusion, but don't we need to dream more nowadays?
What's wrong with fashion deliriums? with a fever of commoditizing ourselves with precious items?
Fashion is playful, empowering, triggering our senses and selves in order to feel good about a moment. It offers a sort of transcedence to people. It exalts individuality and creates a new democratizing order and approach to ideals, a transformative one; a way to understand the future from the vanity and presence of the now as Gilles Lipovetsky advocates.

Photos: Lil Kim by David Lachapelle at

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