Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Hyperhumans is a concept that looks into the representations of the dialectic between men and technology and its outcome: mutation.

The concept explores the transformation from the fusion of the technology into the body, as an accessory. This transformation is providing a new meaning to the body. Its mass and structure have been affected so they inhabit the space differently, I call them living sculptures.

Lucy and Bart
The work of Lucy and Bart would help me to explain the concept of Living Sculptures, using the body as a tool to defy the body itself . It becomes a means to define humans mass, movement, gravity and spatial limits, as well as its purpose and potential.
Their work can be described as Hyperhumans, where extremities are prolonged, denoting gracious possibilities and mutations of the human body. Body as a tool of men to achieve, to become a faster performer, an adaptable specie, a volatile material.

Are men evolving into a transcendent force, acquiring machine and creatures’ attributes in order to succeed in a technological era?

Lucy and Bart are triggering us to think about spatial and body referents differently. Their work question creative disciplines’ boundaries, and transforms the space into body architecture, as a way to inhabit a context, with a more meaningful and adaptable presence.

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